Saturday, November 13, 2010

Western double standards, media wars and patrionization of their pawns as "saints."

Looking through the calls by many western based human rights groups and organizations, I can almost swear they are on the payroll of their governments or that their governments have an influence in their activities.

Most of their "human rights" campaigns seem nothing more than attempts to defame certain countries. These countries they defame and accuse of human rights abuse also happen to be countries that Western Europe and North America have had bad relations with.

An example is their ongoing screeching at China for alleged human rights in Tibet and Xiang. China is growing as a world power in economic, political and military fields. Other examples are Morocco's occupation of Western Sahara or Iran's mistreatment of it's citizens.

But when it comes to other key issues of human rights abuse such as Kashmir, Northern Ireland, or the Basque territory shared by Spain and France, these so-called "human rights" groups/organizations are nowhere to be found. Weather it's public protests or other forms of activism, these "human rights" campaigners are almost non-existent.

Perhaps it's no coincidence too that these abuses that they're so silent on are carried out by traditional allies of these West. Take for example India's actions in Kashmir or other areas. India has been a close ally and proxy of the West against China and what the West sees as the threat of growing Islamic extremism.

Relations between India and the West are not just warm at political levels, but also amongst the people. Westerners also feel very welcomed in India as opposed to Muslim countries where they are suspected as "infidels."

India's Brahmin rulers have traditionally had an obsession with whiteness and a respect for white people. Westerners in turn enjoy this respect and brahmin pride in knowing English and other Western languages.

India's relatively westernized urban areas are portrayed as a symbol of "modernization."
Because of mostly Brahmin rule in India, the country is falsely portrayed as a "champion of human rights."

The Western media has always had a key role in making their allies look good and their enemies look bad from spreading falsified news reports to making propaganda movies.
They make their historic pawns such as Mahatma Gandhi and the Dali Lama look like some sort of "saints."

The riots and rebellions incited by the Dali Lama and the West has harmed and killed many Tibetans. Instead of being held responsible for inciting people to endanger themselves, the Dali Lama is portrayed as some sort of martyr in danger of persecution.

Mahatma Gandhi's racism towards Africans and bigotry towards women is deliberately covered up.
The activities of Islamic terrorist groups are closely covered by the western media to such an extent that it hurts the image of ordinary Muslims.
On the other hand the operation of Hindutva terrorist groups are neither censored, nor given much attention by the same western media.

Below is a video that discuss the activities of the RSS in the UK and calling for their ban:

And these are videos discussing the West's role in destabilizing China and the fraud image of the Dali Lama:

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