Friday, October 22, 2010

Hypocrisy amongst conservative Muslims regarding homosexual rights.

When I criticize conservative Muslims, it also extends to female Muslims as well. Back in 2009 I was on a Pakistani aviation forum that I am a member of and in the general discussion section people were discussing the marriage of a female Muslim imam to a non-Muslim man.

Of course most of these people were from a religious background and started spurring all sorts of nonsense as if they had never heard of inter-religious marriages. But that's not going to be the focus of my post. My focus is on a comment one of these ignorant, conservative hypocrites made.

He wrote something like in a country such as Britain where female imams (Muslim equivalent of priest), gay marriages are okay it should not be surprising.
So he clearly had a problem with homosexual marriages like many other Muslim conservatives do.

Yet these same kind of people seem to have no problem with marriages between first cousins. It's not homosexual marriages that produce inbred children who have a high chance of health problems later on in life and yet these gay/lesbian bashing Muslim conservatives simply ignore this fact. Isn't this hypocrisy?

When I was once on vacation in Pakistan our Bangladeshi housekeeper asked me is it true that some men marry other men in America? When I answered yes he was puzzled. What he was clearly unaware of is that people from other cultures frown upon the Muslim practice of marrying first cousins and they have a far more legitimate reason to frown upon this than Muslims do upon homosexual marriages.

So at the end of the day you have homosexuals who only hurt themselves at the most and Muslim conservatives who are silent and sometimes even advocate marriages between first cousins, producing retarded children who can do little or nothing for their society(s) and just take up extra resources such as extra medical care. Medical care that could be devoted to helping someone who actually can be helped.

And when I criticize Muslims for inter-family marriages, I criticize mainly Muslims because other religious groups do not or rarely marry and breed amongst their own family members. Sure the Hindus marrying dogs and drinking cow urine is even more primitive, but it still doesn't excuse producing inbred, retarded children.

If there are Muslim conservatives who are against marrying first cousins, they need to speak out against it, because at the moment there seems to be no sign of condemnation against this medieval practice, yet we can hear loud and clear condemnations of even the practice of people dressing up as the opposite sex.

So the next time a Muslim conservative is ready to criticize homosexual marriages, think twice because you just might be married to your cousin, or perhaps your parents might be first cousins with the chances of you having a physical disability(s) being high.

If you're neither of these, then still you as a Muslim have a duty to condemn inbreeding and maybe then try to bash homosexuals provided you give a strong and valid reason for doing so.

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