Saturday, July 2, 2011

Why I oppose homosexual child adoptions

Firstly I have nothing against homosexuals doing as they please within their own rights and private spaces. I have never opposed gay/lesbian couples getting legally married and I actually endorse it as their fundamental human right.
I endorse people doing as they please as long as it does not effect others.

Who exactly is affected when homosexuals adopt children? The child/children of course and that's what I wish to discuss in this post. I once saw a video in which the broadcasters criticized a public swimming pool facility for banning same sex couples and their adopted children while allowing regular couples and even single mothers to bring their children into the pool.

To me it appears the advocates of same sex couple adoptions are trying to justify the practice by pointing towards single parents having children with them.
I don't see this as a justification at all. I see a big difference between a single parent of any gender raising a child than that of same sex couples.

Having two adoptive parents of the same gender draws extra unwanted attention towards the child from peers, friends, acquaintances to start with.
For anyone to live a normal life and grow up without unwanted attention or any sort of intrusion of their privacy, unwanted attention is not a healthy thing for them.

This is how somebody else can suffer as a result of others practicing their human rights. For a homosexual couple to live in peace with one another is their right, but when it destroys or even affects their adopted child's/children's rights, it is no longer an issue of human rights.

There can also be psychological consequences of homosexuals adopting children. Often children follow the lifestyle of their parents/guardians. In the case of homosexuals adopting children, it could lead the child to "voluntarily" imitate their homosexuality weather physical or mental simply as a result of direct influence from the parents lifestyle.

This would be another way of alienating them from society. I put voluntarily in quotation marks because it ought to be questioned weather the child has a chance to decide for him/herself weather he/she/they want to be in a regular or homosexual relationship.

And it's unlikely they will be in a regular opposite gender relationship if they under the influence of what their adoptive parents do.

Children also deserve to have exposure to people of the opposite sex, something a homosexual couple can offer them less of. A child also need to understand the authority of adults regardless of gender. A single parent also cannot offer a child much exposure to those of another gender, but at least there is also the balance of not having the presence of an extra person of the same gender in their lives.

It is not just gender orientation of the adoptive parents that I fear will lead the adoptive child/children to alienation from society. There's also the question of interracial adoptions and other types of adoptions that may bring great difficulty on the adopted individual(s) which would only be doing a great injustice to them.


  1. Are you serious?!? Ok, I'll start at the beginning.

    You said: "I endorse people doing as they please as long as it does not effect others." The only problem is, everything we do affects others. You should correct the statement to say "I endorse people doing as they please as long as it does not harm others directly."

    So then the question becomes, are children harmed by being adopted by same-sex couples? The answer is absolutely, completely, and fundamentally, NO. No more so than any children of straight couples. Here's a great video of a lesbian couple's son who addressed some of the flawed beliefs about gay parenting.

    As Zack said, "The sexual orientation of my parents has had zero effect on the content of my character."

    If you reject gay adoption, you are choosing to leave children unadopted for longer in already-full foster care homes/orphanages, never having a family, or parents, or knowing a loving home. These kids don't benefit from your closed-minded refusal to allow gay people to adopt. They suffer. In my opinion, the most advanced societies do everything possible to ensure that the youngest and most vulnerable members never suffer. The best way to do that is by expanding the number of loving and secure homes where the parent(s) can care for and love the child. Gay adoption is a great way to achieve that.

  2. Dear Disorganized Perfectionist
    1)I would say affect because there are some affects that I don't appreciate no matter how harmless.

    2)I've seen the video before. The guy is a special case assuming he was not trained to talk like that.

    3)It's not just about sexual orientation. Too much of one gender in a person's life gives them less exposure of the other gender. I'd really love to see the exact same person raised by a straight couple and see if he had the same things to say.

    4) I don't consider homosexuality to be natural. As much as I respect it, I consider it psychological that genetic as much as I see pedophilia (something I don't respect at all) as psychological and see nothing natural in it.

    But don't get me wrong. I'm not anti-homo. Homosexuality can be really great especially for human population growth control.
